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Partial View data is not display in it

I am trying to display countrywise employee details using partial view... It is basically called the Partial view but did not display data in it. Here is my INDEX PAGE CODE

 <select class="form-control" name="CountryID" id="CountryID" onchange="getAllEmployee(this)">
            <option value="null">Select Name</option>
            @foreach (var varAllRecord in ViewBag.VBCountry)
                <option id="@varAllRecord.CountryID" value="@varAllRecord.CountryID ">@varAllRecord.CountryName </option>

        <div id="dvEmployeeResult">
            <partial name="_ClassesEmployees" />

Here is my AJAX CALL Details

<script type="text/javascript">
    var valueID;
    var datais;

      function getAllEmployee(selectObject) {

            valueID = selectObject.value;

              type: "POST",
              url: "@Url.Action("GetEmployeeDataByCountryID", "Dynamic")",
              data: { EmployeeID: valueID },
            @*dataType: "Text",*@
            @*contentType: "application/text",*@
              success: function (data) {
                  //  alert("In Success");
              error: function (data) {
                  // debugger;



public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
            await GetCountryList();
            return View();
public async Task<bool> GetCountryList()
            List<tblCountryList> theCountryList = await _dbCountryListContext.GetAllCountryListAsync();
            ViewBag.VBCountry = theCountryList;

            return true;

        public async Task<PartialViewResult> GetEmployeeDataByCountryIDAsync(string EmployeeID)
            var CountryID = EmployeeID;
            List<Account> theEmployeeList = await _dbAccountContext.GetAllEmployeeListAsync(CountryID);
            ViewBag.datasourceEmplyee = theEmployeeList;
            return PartialView("~/Views/Dynamic/_ClassesEmployees.cshtml", ViewBag.datasourceEmplyee);

Here is my partial view code.

@model IEnumerable<MasterProject.Models.Account>

@if(ViewBag.datasourceEmplyee != null)
@foreach (var item in (List<Account>)ViewBag.datasourceEmplyee)

can you please suggest to me what went wrong? I am working very hard but did not get the solution. Data is fetched but somehow not displayed in the view.


  • fix action

    public async Task<PartialViewResult> GetEmployeeDataByCountryIDAsync(string CountryID)
      List<Account> theEmployeeList = await _dbAccountContext.GetAllEmployeeListAsync(CountryID);
     return PartialView("~/Views/Dynamic/_ClassesEmployees.cshtml", theEmployeeList);

    but GetAllEmployeeListAsync using CountryId doesn't look right for me

    the same way check the partial view , I think it should be

    @model List<MasterProject.Models.Account>
    @if(model != null && @model.Count > 0)
         @foreach (var item in model)