I have a dataframe with more than 100 000 rows and 30 000 unique ids.
My aim is to fill all the NAs among the different columns if there is a value from the previous month and the same id. However, most of the times the previous recorded value is from more than a month ago. Those NAs I would like to leave untouched.
The id column and the date column do not have NAs. Here is an example of the data I have:
id oxygen gluco dias bp date
1 0,25897842 0,20201604 0,17955655 0,14100962 31.7.2019
2 NA NA 0,38582622 0,12918231 31.12.2014
2 0,35817147 0,32943499 NA 0,43667462 30.11.2018
2 0,68557053 0,42898807 0,93897514 NA 31.10.2018
2 NA NA 0,99899076 0,44168223 31.7.2018
2 0,43848054 0,38604586 NA NA 30.4.2013
2 0,15823254 0,06216771 0,07829624 0,69755251 31.1.2016
2 NA NA 0,61645303 NA 29.2.2016
2 0,94671363 0,50682091 0,96770222 0,97403356 31.5.2018
3 NA 0,77352235 0,660479 0,11554399 30.4.2019
3 0,15567703 NA 0,4553325 NA 31.3.2017
3 NA NA 0,22181609 0,08527658 30.9.2017
3 0,93660763 NA NA NA 31.3.2018
3 0,73416759 NA NA 0,78501791 30.11.2018
3 NA NA NA NA 28.2.2019
3 0,84525106 0,54360374 NA 0,40595426 31.8.2014
3 0,76221263 0,62983336 0,84592719 0,10640734 31.8.2013
4 NA 0,29108942 0,3863479 NA 31.1.2018
4 0,74075742 NA 0,38117415 0,58849266 30.11.2018
4 0,09400641 0,68860814 NA 0,88895224 31.8.2014
4 0,72202944 0,49901387 0,19967415 NA 31.8.2018
4 0,98205262 0,85213969 0,34450998 0,98962306 30.11.2013
This is the last code implementation that I have tried:
df3 %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate_all(funs(na.locf(., na.rm = FALSE, maxgap = 30)))
But apparently "mutate_all()
ignored the following grouping variables:
Column id
You can use the tidyverse
for that. Here's an approach:
column to class Date, then order by date
the rows which have max one month differencecumsum
the inverse logic in flag
the rows from the same groupslibrary(dplyr)
df$date <- as.Date(df$date, format="%d.%m.%Y")
df %>%
arrange(date) %>%
Ym = ym(strftime(date, "%Y-%m")),
mo = interval(Ym, lag(Ym, default=as.Date("1970-01-01"))) / months(1),
flag = cumsum(!(mo > -2 & mo < 1))) %>%
group_by(id, flag) %>%
fill(names(.), .direction="down") %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(-c("Ym","mo","flag")) %>%
# A tibble: 22 × 6
id oxygen gluco dias bp date
<int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date>
1 2 0,43848054 0,38604586 NA NA 2013-04-30
2 3 0,76221263 0,62983336 0,84592719 0,10640734 2013-08-31
3 4 0,98205262 0,85213969 0,34450998 0,98962306 2013-11-30
4 3 0,84525106 0,54360374 NA 0,40595426 2014-08-31
5 4 0,09400641 0,68860814 NA 0,88895224 2014-08-31
6 2 NA NA 0,38582622 0,12918231 2014-12-31
7 2 0,15823254 0,06216771 0,07829624 0,69755251 2016-01-31
8 2 0,15823254 0,06216771 0,61645303 0,69755251 2016-02-29
9 3 0,15567703 NA 0,4553325 NA 2017-03-31
10 3 NA NA 0,22181609 0,08527658 2017-09-30
11 4 NA 0,29108942 0,3863479 NA 2018-01-31
12 3 0,93660763 NA NA NA 2018-03-31
13 2 0,94671363 0,50682091 0,96770222 0,97403356 2018-05-31
14 2 NA NA 0,99899076 0,44168223 2018-07-31
15 4 0,72202944 0,49901387 0,19967415 NA 2018-08-31
16 2 0,68557053 0,42898807 0,93897514 NA 2018-10-31
17 2 0,35817147 0,32943499 0,93897514 0,43667462 2018-11-30
18 3 0,73416759 NA NA 0,78501791 2018-11-30
19 4 0,74075742 NA 0,38117415 0,58849266 2018-11-30
20 3 NA NA NA NA 2019-02-28
21 3 NA 0,77352235 0,660479 0,11554399 2019-04-30
22 1 0,25897842 0,20201604 0,17955655 0,14100962 2019-07-31
df <- structure(list(id = c(1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L,
3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L), oxygen = c("0,25897842",
NA, "0,35817147", "0,68557053", NA, "0,43848054", "0,15823254",
NA, "0,94671363", NA, "0,15567703", NA, "0,93660763", "0,73416759",
NA, "0,84525106", "0,76221263", NA, "0,74075742", "0,09400641",
"0,72202944", "0,98205262"), gluco = c("0,20201604", NA, "0,32943499",
"0,42898807", NA, "0,38604586", "0,06216771", NA, "0,50682091",
"0,77352235", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "0,54360374", "0,62983336",
"0,29108942", NA, "0,68860814", "0,49901387", "0,85213969"),
dias = c("0,17955655", "0,38582622", NA, "0,93897514", "0,99899076",
NA, "0,07829624", "0,61645303", "0,96770222", "0,660479",
"0,4553325", "0,22181609", NA, NA, NA, NA, "0,84592719",
"0,3863479", "0,38117415", NA, "0,19967415", "0,34450998"
), bp = c("0,14100962", "0,12918231", "0,43667462", NA, "0,44168223",
NA, "0,69755251", NA, "0,97403356", "0,11554399", NA, "0,08527658",
NA, "0,78501791", NA, "0,40595426", "0,10640734", NA, "0,58849266",
"0,88895224", NA, "0,98962306"), date = structure(c(18108,
16435, 17865, 17835, 17743, 15825, 16831, 16860, 17682, 18016,
17256, 17439, 17621, 17865, 17955, 16313, 15948, 17562, 17865,
16313, 17774, 16039), class = "Date")), row.names = c(NA,
-22L), class = "data.frame")