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How to pass json data to jasper report using rest

I am new to jasper. I have created a jasper report using JSON data source and pushed it to server. Is there a way to pass JSON data to the jasper report using rest call? I cannot find any example to follow.


  • If you have a report that has a json or jsonql query, what you can do is to provide a default value for the JSON_INPUT_STREAM builtin parameter based on the value of a another parameter that you create in the report. Something like this:

    <parameter name="JsonData" class="java.lang.String">
    <parameter name="JSON_INPUT_STREAM" class="">
        <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[new ByteArrayInputStream($P{JsonData}.getBytes("UTF-8"))]]></defaultValueExpression>
    <queryString language="json">
        <![CDATA[..json query..]]>

    Than you'd need to create an input control for the JsonData parameter in the JasperReports Server report. If you have that you can pass a value for JsonData when running the report via REST:

      "parameters": {
        "reportParameter": [
            "name": "JsonData",
            "value": [
              "{..json data..}"