I have a relatively large DBeaver database and am trying to find all tables and possibly columns reference a specific table/column. I can't find anything on SO or anywhere else relating to this question. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Since DBeaver 7.0.0, this has been added as a Major Feature
in Table objects
(it is major because it exists on any table expandable view).
Their release notes (github or official page) are not very detailed, unfortunately. However, I will provide an overview of the feature at it is really helpful.
Here is a brief overview of how it works:
Any references to your table will be listed below. Note that, each table may have zero, one, or more references to your table.
, and from the context menu select Copy Advanced Info
. This will copy to your clipboard the references in the following form: [Schema].[OwnerTable].[ReferenceName]
from which you can isolate the table names.References
As a demonstration, I will use one of the most popular sample databases, the Chinook
database. It's always freely available on github
Suppose that you need to know which tables are referencing the table Track