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Multiple precision Gamma function in R

I need to compute a sum in R that involves the gamma function for each element. When the arguments of the gamma increase I get NaN as a result, and I suspect that the problem is numerical with the evaluation of the gamma. I already read the documentation of Rmpfr and gmp but I only found factiorial for integers. I also post the code here, maybe you have a better idea about the source of the error.

 a1mat<-outer(a1, a1-1, FUN="+")
 b1mat<-outer(b1, b1, FUN="+")

w1 is an array of positive real numbers that sums up to 1, a1 and b1 are vectors of positive values. A becames NaN when a1 (and a1mat) becomes long and with high values (~150).


  • Try working in log-space:

    w1 <- c(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
    a1 <- 3:8
    b1 <- rep(4, 6)
    a1mat <- outer(a1, a1 - 1, "+")
    b1mat <- outer(b1, b1, "+")
    # working in log-space
    logV1 <- log(w1) + a1*log(b1) - lgamma(a1)
    logVV1 <- outer(logV1, logV1, "+")
    sum(exp(logVV1 + lgamma(a1mat) - a1mat*log(b1mat)))
    #> [1] 0.4614941
    # compared to original
    V1 <- w1*(b1^a1)/gamma(a1)
    VV1 <- outer(V1, V1)
    #> [1] 0.4614941