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ffmpeg to cut beginning and fade in audio

I've got a bunch of spoken word mp3 files, which all have the same intro talking and music, and then the real content begins. So it goes roughly like this:

00:00 Standard intro spoken word
00:20 Standard intro music
00:35 The content

The timings are not always the same (can vary by 5 secs). So I'd to cut the first 25 seconds and then fade in the next five seconds. And then output the file in the same mp3 format. Is this possible with ffmpeg?


  • This command should work for you:

    ffmpeg -ss 25 -i input.mp3 -af "afade=type=in:start_time=0:duration=5" -c:a libmp3lame output.mp3

    -ss 25 will start the input after the first 25 seconds.

    afade filter will fade in the audio from the specified start time for the next 5 seconds.