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String interpolation of an object is not working because of the initialisation in TS

I am creating a simple application which for now only has two pages:

(1) A full list of stocks. (2) Details about a single stock.

When you click on a specific stock in the list of stocks, you should be routed to the other page to read its info.

Here is the service I use:

export class StockService {

  stock$ = new Subject();

  public setStock(stock: Stock){

  public getStock():Observable<any>{
    return this.stock$.asObservable();
  constructor() { }

On my page (1) I have the following HTML:

<div class="container">

*ngFor="let stock of stocks"
[stock] = "stock"



And the following class in TS

  export class StocksComponent implements OnInit {

  @Input() stocks: Stock[] = Stock_data;
  constructor(private stockService: StockService) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

  public setSelected(stock: Stock){


The second page where I (try to) retrieve the stock:

export class StockDetailsComponent implements OnInit {

//Initilialising without a value ...
  stock: any;
  constructor(private stockService: StockService) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

//The message below is shown with the selected stock.
    console.log("stock -->",stock);
    this.stock = stock;


and the HTML:

<p>the stock details are: {{stock?.name}}</p>

I think that it is because I initialise the stock without a value to declare its type. I am new to Angular and am therefore having issues seeing what the best solution would be to solve this. Thanks in advance!


  • Please try using BehaviorSubject instead of Subject as Behavior Subject will give you last emitted value even if you subscribe in future. For eg :-

    stock$ = new BehaviorSubject(null);