is DEV
while the instance_name
is myapp44
Thus, i want the role for myapp7
to skip as the when condition fails.
Below is my role that works fine and skips as the when clause fails.
- { role: myapp7, ENV: "{{ENV}}", ACTION: "{{ACTION}}", when: "'myapp7' in instance_name" }
The issue is when i wish to test multiple condition using and
condition. I expect it to fail and skip but the role gets invoked.
- { role: myapp7, ENV: "{{ENV}}", ACTION: "{{ACTION}}", when: ENV != 'perf' and "'myapp7' in instance_name" }
The same issue is observed in the debug
- debug:
msg: " Instance myapp7"
when: "'myapp7' in instance_name"
- debug:
msg: " Instance myapp7 with multi condition"
when: ENV != 'perf' and "'myapp7' in instance_name"
tags: trigger
- debug:
msg: " Instance myapp7 with brackets"
when: (ENV != 'perf' and "'myapp7' in instance_name")
tags: trigger
I want all the three to fail but only the first condition fails in the above debug.
Can you please suggest how to write a multiple when condition for a role ?
You're over-quoting things. When you write:
when: ENV != 'perf' and "'myapp7' in instance_name"
You are writing:
when: (ENV != 'perf') and "a nonempty string"
And a non-empty string always evaluates to true
, so the second half of that expression is a no-op. You want:
when: "ENV != 'perf' and 'myapp7' in instance_name"
I prefer to use alternate YAML quoting mechanisms for when
expressions because I think it makes things easier to read. The following expression is exactly equivalent to the previous one:
when: >-
ENV != 'perf' and 'myapp7' in instance_name