Search code examples

I've got this error: Uncaught TypeError: e.lngLat is not a function or its return value is not iterable at handleAddClick (App.js:42:1)

const handleAddClick = (e) =>{   
const [lat, long] =  e.lngLat;<=errr

I want to create an event when I click in a new place to extract the latitude and longitude and to display the result in a popup.

Po {lng: 21.940196455078166, lat: 47.07052843855962}
lat: 47.07052843855962
lng: 21.940196455078166
[[Prototype]]: Object
constructor: class Po
distanceTo: ƒ distanceTo(t)
toArray: ƒ toArray()
toBounds: ƒ toBounds()
toString: ƒ toString()
wrap: ƒ wrap()
[[Prototype]]: Object


  • You should use object-destructuring instead of array.

    const { lat, lng: long } = e.lngLat;
    const handleAddClick = (e) => {
      const [lat, long] = e.lngLat;
      setNewPlace({ lat, long });