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How Does surefire decide on the Test framework?

I have been trying to understand how Surefire plugin internally decides which Testing Framework to use ( TestNG, Jupiter, Junit4 etc. )

Does it use reflection and try to find the presence of each framework in the classpath ?
( Looking at the dependencies, Surefire seems to be coming with junit4 in its transitive dependencies - junit:JUnit:jar:4.12 )


  • It's possible to pass the provider (test-framework type) explicitly, setting an additional plugin dependency, e.g. for TestNG:


    If nothing specified

    Surefire normally automatically selects which test-framework provider to use based on the version of TestNG/JUnit present in your project's classpath.

    From this doc:

    How Surefire plugin internally decides which Testing Framework to use

    Let's look at how it's implemented.

    There is ProviderInfo interface with method boolean isApplicable();

    I've found multiple implementations in class


    • TestNgProviderInfo
    • JUnit3ProviderInfo
    • JUnit4ProviderInfo
    • JUnitPlatformProviderInfo
    • JUnitCoreProviderInfo
    • DynamicProviderInfo

    And there is also a protected method protected List<ProviderInfo> createProviders( TestClassPath testClasspath ) which reference all this implementations.

    protected List<ProviderInfo> createProviders( TestClassPath testClasspath )
            throws MojoExecutionException
            Artifact junitDepArtifact = getJunitDepArtifact();
            return providerDetector.resolve( new DynamicProviderInfo( null ),
                new JUnitPlatformProviderInfo( getJUnit5Artifact(), testClasspath ),
                new TestNgProviderInfo( getTestNgArtifact() ),
                new JUnitCoreProviderInfo( getJunitArtifact(), junitDepArtifact ),
                new JUnit4ProviderInfo( getJunitArtifact(), junitDepArtifact ),
                new JUnit3ProviderInfo() );

    and ProviderDetector class invokes isApplicable() per each providerInfo in resolve method.

    And looks like the first applicable is selected:

    private Optional<ProviderInfo> autoDetectOneWellKnownProvider( ProviderInfo... wellKnownProviders )
            Optional<ProviderInfo> providerInfo = stream( wellKnownProviders )
                .filter( ProviderInfo::isApplicable )
            providerInfo.ifPresent( p -> "Using auto detected provider " + p.getProviderName() ) );
            return providerInfo;