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My custom Vercel domain creates a 403 error

I'm new with Vercel and it seems like I'm the only one with this problem.

I imported a GitHub repository and created a project in Vercel. I have added a custom domain which is accepted by Vercel (I followed the given instructions and modified the DNS configuration)

When I access this custom domain, I have a 403 error.

The auto generated domains work, but not mine. I have no idea why.


  • double check that your domains were properly added to Vercel. You can check it in your settings under the domains tab -{username}/{project}/settings/domains. It should look something like this: validconfig

    I would try removing the domain name then adding it back to Vercel.

    Vercel will either tell you to add a type A record:

    Type     Name      Value
    A        @

    type A record

    Or a CNAME record if you are setting a subdomain:

    Type     Name             Value
    CNAME    [subdomain]

    CNAME record

    Vercel also has a page called "Why is my Vercel domain not verified? " which may help.

    And finally you can point your name servers to Vercel which will allow you to set your domain name. Vercel nameservers

    The only thing I was able to find on the Vercel documentation that mentions a 403 error is this page "I'm seeing 403 Forbidden responses."