Would it make any sense to put class extensions in their own .h
files and #import
them selectively to get various levels of visibility for a class' methods and properties? If this is a bad idea (or would not work), why?
It is a great idea and exactly why Class Extensions were designed (and why they are different than categories).
Namely, you can:
@interface Foo:NSObject
...public API here...
@property(readonly, copy) NSString *name;
@interface Foo()
@property(readwrite, copy) NSString *name;
#import "Foo.h"
#import "Foo_FrameworkOnly.h"
@interface Foo()
... truly implementation private gunk, including properties go here ...
@implementation Foo
@synthesize name = name_;
And effectively have a property that is publicly readonly and privately read write for only the implementation files that import Foo_FrameworkOnly.h.