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Application Insights Query to display Total Request vs Total Passed vs Total Failed

Can any one share Azure Application Insights Query to display Total Request vs Total Passed vs Total Failed for a given test duration: Operation Totalcount TotalPassed TotalFailed Request1 10 5 5 Request2 10 7 3


  • Thanks to @ lubumbax your answer helped a lot to improve my query knowledge.

    Here I am using a query to fetch the Total count, Success, and Failure response from Application insights.

    enter image description here

    The Query follows:

    let TOTAL = requests | where timestamp > ago(1d) | summarize TotalRequests=sum(itemCount) | extend Foo=1;
    let Req_TOTAL = materialize(TOTAL);
    let FAILED = requests
    | where timestamp > ago(1d)
    | where resultCode hasprefix "5"
    | summarize Failed=sum(itemCount)
    | extend Foo=1;
    let Req_FAILED = materialize(FAILED);
    let SUCCESS = requests
    | where timestamp > ago(1d)
    | where resultCode hasprefix "2"
    | summarize Success=sum(itemCount)
    | extend Foo=1;
    let Req_SUCCESSED = materialize(SUCCESS);
    | join kind=inner Req_TOTAL on Foo
    | join kind=inner Req_SUCCESSED on Foo
    | extend PercentFailed = round(todouble(Failed * 100) / TotalRequests, 2)
    | extend PercentSuccess = round(todouble(Success * 100)/ TotalRequests, 2)
    | project TotalRequests, Failed, Success, PercentFailed, PercentSuccess; availabilityResults

    The Result : enter image description here