Can any one share Azure Application Insights Query to display Total Request vs Total Passed vs Total Failed for a given test duration: Operation Totalcount TotalPassed TotalFailed Request1 10 5 5 Request2 10 7 3
Thanks to @ lubumbax your answer helped a lot to improve my query knowledge.
Here I am using a query to fetch the Total count, Success, and Failure response from Application insights.
The Query follows:
let TOTAL = requests | where timestamp > ago(1d) | summarize TotalRequests=sum(itemCount) | extend Foo=1;
let Req_TOTAL = materialize(TOTAL);
let FAILED = requests
| where timestamp > ago(1d)
| where resultCode hasprefix "5"
| summarize Failed=sum(itemCount)
| extend Foo=1;
let Req_FAILED = materialize(FAILED);
let SUCCESS = requests
| where timestamp > ago(1d)
| where resultCode hasprefix "2"
| summarize Success=sum(itemCount)
| extend Foo=1;
let Req_SUCCESSED = materialize(SUCCESS);
| join kind=inner Req_TOTAL on Foo
| join kind=inner Req_SUCCESSED on Foo
| extend PercentFailed = round(todouble(Failed * 100) / TotalRequests, 2)
| extend PercentSuccess = round(todouble(Success * 100)/ TotalRequests, 2)
| project TotalRequests, Failed, Success, PercentFailed, PercentSuccess; availabilityResults
The Result :