As below code showed, I got the list
(type: Flow<List<T
how can I use it to update lazyColumn's item, so when the room data changed, lazyColumn updates items accordingly?
Many thanks.
fun SomeContent(context: Context) {
// get the view model ref
val viewModel: SomeViewModel =
viewModel(factory = SomeViewModelFactory(Db.getInstance(context)))
// get the list from room, it is a Flow list
val list = viewModel.sumDao.getAllRows()
) {
// I need to use the list in below, but got errors, how to do?
items(list.size) {
You must collect your FlowList as follows
val list = viewModel.sumDao.getAllRows().collectAsState(initial = emptyList())
Instead of items, use itemsIndexed
itemsIndexed(list.value) {idx, row -> SomeListItem(row)}
Let me know if the above works.