I've installed Instapy dependency from https://pypi.org/project/instapy/ and I really enjoyed it. There are two operations I really can't figure out why it's not working, I've followed the oficial documentation to do it, youtube videos and it isn't working.
Actually the warning message says the user is not acessible, but I don't know why, every user happen this, so I can't unfollow the unfollowers:
INFO [2022-02-11 20:05:41] [gorilafreela] Ongoing Unfollow [1/3]: now unfollowing 'b'antonio_fpessoa''...
WARNING [2022-02-11 20:06:35] [gorilafreela] --> Couldn't unfollow 'antonio_fpessoa'! ~user is inaccessible
The same issue happen if I try to follow someone new, happens the same warning I said before.
import json
from instapy import InstaPy
from instapy import smart_run
import userData
import util
from selenium import webdriver
# data
userInfo = userData.getUserPassword()
# session
session = InstaPy(username=userInfo['user'], password=userInfo['password'])
Anyone has any ideia how can I fix this problem.
A fix can be found in the following link