I'm using redux toolkit, and have created a thunk using createAsyncThunk that gets called from a middleware (code below). What is the correct dispatch type? Right now it only works if I specify "any".
import { Action, Dispatch } from "redux";
import { updateTerm } from "../slices/explore";
const middleWare = ({ dispatch }: { dispatch: Dispatch<Action> }) => {
return (next: (action: Action) => void) => {
return (action: Action) => {
if (updateTerm.match(action)) {
const getShows = createAsyncThunk<
{ rejectValue: SearchError }
>("explore/getShows", async (term: string, { rejectWithValue }) => {
//do async stuff
The short answer is that you would need to use the ThunkDispatch
type from the redux-thunk
Ideally, you wouldn't reference that at all, and instead use [the AppDispatchtype inferred from
store.dispatch](https://redux.js.org/tutorials/typescript-quick-start#define-root-state-and-dispatch-types). However, because this is a middleware, and middleware themselves alter the type of
store.dispatch`, you'd end up with a circular type definition problem.
Having said that, I'd actually recommend not writing a custom middleware here, especially for just dispatching one action.
Instead, I'd recommend using the new "listener middleware" that will be out in the next version of Redux Toolkit. It's currently available as a standalone @rtk-incubator/action-listener-middleware