I have Storybook set up at the root of an angular library.
To configure the SCSS import paths I have added the following to my library's ng-package.json
"lib": {
"styleIncludePaths": ["<some directory>"]
However Storybook cannot find stylesheets from that directory.
If I add the following to the root's angular.json
under architect > builder > build > options
storybook will correctly resolve the import but the angular build will fail because angular.json
fails validation:
"stylePreprocessorOptions": {
"includePaths": ["<some directory>"]
How can I make it so the include paths set for the library apply to Storybook, without having to override the default webpack config? Or how can I keep the defaults while only adding the custom include paths?
Since Angular 13 style imports must be added in angular.json, under your-lib > storybook > options > styles. Don't forget to also add your styles to the build-storybook architect.
In your angular.json:
"your-lib": {
"storybook": {
"builder": "@nrwl/storybook:storybook",
"options": {
"projectBuildConfig": "your-lib:build-storybook",
"styles": [
You can find this information in the migration-guide of storybook.