Code that previously worked now throws an error due to the server requesting HTTPS calls and no longer accepts HTTP.
Can this code me modified to work? Or is a new process required for encrypted HTTPS?
Thank you!
# Connecting to EIA API
# install.packages(c("httr", "jsonlite"))
key <- "e77e9bd3c8bc84927fad13088f4bff28"
padd_key <- list('PET.MCRRIP12.M','PET.MCRRIP22.M',
startdate <- "2010-01-01" #YYYY-MM-DD
enddate <- "2022-02-13" #YYYY-MM-DD
j = 0
for (i in padd_key) {
url <- paste('',key,'&series_id=',i,sep="")
res <- GET(url)
json_data <- fromJSON(rawToChar(res$content))
data <- data.frame(json_data$series$data)
data$Year <- substr(data$X1,1,4)
data$Month <- substr(data$X1,5,6)
data$Day <- 1
data$Date <- as.Date(paste(data$Year, data$Month, data$Day, sep='-'))
colnames(data)[2] <- json_data$series$name
data <- data[-c(1,3,4,5)]
if (j == 0){
data_final <- data
data_final <- merge(data_final,data,by="Date")
j = j + 1
data_final <- subset(data_final, Date >= startdate & Date <= enddate)
Yes, it can - you just use https in the URL.
The shortest demonstration I could think of is:
In your code you just need to change the line where you define the url
url <- paste('',key,'&series_id=',i,sep="")