I'm using Optional<T> and a Custom Converter to implement PATCH
with Text.Json on a resource according to Distinguish between NULL and not present using JSON Merge Patch with NetCore WebApi and System.Text.Json
Let's take this example for the DTO:
public class PatchGroupDTO
public Optional<string?> Name { get; init; }
public Optional<string?> NickName{ get; init; }
Swagger then shows for the 'Example Value'
"name": {
"value": "string"
"nickName": {
"value": "string"
and the 'Schema':
name StringOptional{...}
nickName StringOptional{...}
How can I achieve that Swagger shows the correct input format of the JSON?
"name": "string",
"nickName": "string"
name string nullable:true
nickName string nullable:true
Is it possible to generally flatten all Optional<T> types?
to flatten an Optional for a specific instance of T is easy by using MapType and a solution using your Optional-type is:
services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "Elwis.API", Version = "v1" });
c.MapType<Optional<Guid?>>(() => new OpenApiSchema { Type = "string", Format = "uuid" });
c.MapType<Optional<DateTime?>>(() => new OpenApiSchema { Type = "string", Format= "date-time" });
c.MapType<Optional<string?>>(() => new OpenApiSchema { Type = "string" });
c.MapType<Optional<bool?>>(() => new OpenApiSchema { Type = "boolean" });
c.MapType<Optional<int?>>(() => new OpenApiSchema { Type = "integer" });
My solution is based on: Change property type as exported by Swagger/Swashbuckle.
If you use Nullable Types you also have to map the nullable types, as mentioned in the article: Swashbuckle MapType<Type> doesn't work with parameters.
The general problem "flatten all Optional types" is discussed in this article: How to expose a custom generic type as a string in Swagger schema using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.
It seems to be possible by using a custom SchemaFilter, but i never tried it and would recommend to stay by mapping the concrete instances needed in your program.