I have a TS project where I'm using TypeORM. I'm using Repository pattern so I have layers: Controller -> Service -> Repository.
The Controller constructor initialize the Service class which initialize Repository class, where the constructor is:
this.ormRepository = getRepository(TypeormEntity)
This works fine when I create the routes in the index.ts
like this:
createConnection().then(() => {
const controller = new MyController()
app.get('/', controller.getSomething);
The connection is created and then I initialize the class using new MyController()
The problem is when I want to get the routes in another file. I want to get this structure folder:
|--> index.ts
|--> routes
|--> v1
|--> router.ts
|--> value
|--> value.route.ts
|--> v2
|--> ...
So, to achieve this, the index.ts
import the routes. But the problem is, as the import is done, the MyController()
constructor is executed and the execution fails.
So I want to have something like this in index.ts
import * as express from 'express'
import { createConnection } from "typeorm";
import Router from './routes/v1/router'
const app = express()
createConnection().then(() => {
app.use('/', Router)
Also, following the import call, the file router.ts
in routes/v1
import { json, Router } from 'express'
import valueRouter from './value/value.route'
const router = Router()
router.use('/value', valueRouter)
export default router
This is to add a "prefix" to all routes depending the resource they call.
And value.route.ts
is where the controller is initialized and fails.
import { Router } from "express";
import ValueController from '../../../controller/value.controller'
const router = Router()
const vc = new ValueController()
export default router
I've tested deleting the constructor and the project intializes ok, so the problem is the repository initialization accross Controller & Service.
How can I achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
Finally I solved my own issue using dynamic imports.
Now my index.ts
looks like this:
createConnection().then(() => {
import('./routes/v1/router').then((router: any) => {
app.use('/', router.default)
Which I think is much cleaner than having all routes added in this file. Calling routes in an external file I can manage a huge amount and maintain a clean structure.