I've seen a lot of examples of async action creators, but they all do some sort of fetching and pushing data to redux store and return nothing. I need another logic that looks something like:
const createUserAction = (user) => {
.then(result => {
dispatch({type: 'SET_USER', payload: {...user, id: result.id}})
I need to return result.id
from createUserAction
to navigate to page that displays user by his id. In my imagine it should work like
createUserAction({name: John}).then(id => navigation.navigate('UserDetailPage', {userId: id}))
I don't know how to implement that and I'll be glad if somebody can help
Returning values from action creators is a No-Go. The solution for this scenario that I've used and think is better is to do the redirect in the async action itself:
// afterCreation = callback function with one argument, the created user
const createUserAction = async (user, afterCreation) => {
const createdUser = await firestore().collection('users').add(user);
dispatch({type: 'SET_USER', payload: {...user, id: createdUser.id}});
{name: John},
// Pass callback to action creator
(user) => navigation.navigate('UserDetailPage', {userId: user.id})