I'm trying to base a task on whether a folder has content, not on whether it merely exists. I know there is probably a long winded solution, is there a better solution that I'm missing ?
I've tried two different methods to set a property depending on whether or not a folder has files in it.
My understanding is that 'available' does not permit wildcards like:
<available property="has.test.data" file="${test.data.dir}/**" type="file"/>
I tried this but it does not work if the folder (test.data.dir) does not exist:
<fileset id="test.data.files" dir="${test.data.dir}" includes="**/*" />
<condition property="has.test.data">
<resourcecount when="greater" count="0"> <fileset refid="test.data.files" /> </resourcecount>
Ideally, I want to base a task on whether the folder actually has content, not just an empty folder.
You can use erroronmissingdir="false"
, to avoid the error for a non-existing directory. Add else="false"
if you need the property to always exist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="Test resourcecount" xmlns:if="ant:if">
<fileset id="test.data.files" dir="${test.data.dir}" includes="**/*" erroronmissingdir="false"/>
<condition property="has.test.data" else="false">
<resourcecount when="greater" count="0"> <fileset refid="test.data.files" /> </resourcecount>
<echo if:true="${has.test.data}">${test.data.dir} is exists and is not empty</echo>
related Ant: How can I ignore build error if directory doesn't exist?