I'm having two gitlab.com accounts and since GitLab does not allow me to use the same ssh key, I have to generate two ssh keys.
I'm trying to config the ssh, here is my config:
Host company
HostName gitlab.com
User vunh
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Host private
Hostname gitlab.com
User hoangvu271297
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/private
Both accounts are logged in to the same domain gitlab.com.
Previously, I did not config anything because I only use the id_rsa. Until now the id_rsa still works fine but I can not find a way out to clone the project using the private one. I tried many configs on the Internet but no one works.
Is there any way to deal with this situation? I knew it is configurable if there are two different hosts such as gitlab.com and work.gitlab.com
Many thanks.
The documentation covers this scenario.
You should setup your ssh config using two different Host
configurations for each user. Say, user_1.gitlab.com
and user_2.gitlab.com
. You can use whatever value you want here, these are just examples.
# User1 Account Identity
Host user_1.gitlab.com
Hostname gitlab.com
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/example_ssh_key1
# User2 Account Identity
Host user_2.gitlab.com
Hostname gitlab.com
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/example_ssh_key2
You then use these Host
keys when setting up your git repos.
For example, to clone using user_1
git clone git@user_1.gitlab.com:gitlab-org/gitlab.git
Note that you should NOT provide your username as the User
configuration in your SSH config. The username you use to connect to GitLab over SSH is always git
. The identity file (ssh key), not ssh user, determines the GitLab user account.