I'm wanting to play just part of an audio file. This audio file contains 232 spoken words, I have a dictionary that contains the start time of each word. So I have the start and stop times I just can't find a way to stop at a given time or play the file for a certain duration. Any advice and/or sample code to help me would be much appreciated, thanks Jason.
So I've found a solution, there's a problem with how I get endTime but I sure I can fix it.
//Prepare to play
[audioPlayer prepareToPlay];
//Get current time from the array using selected word
audioPlayer.currentTime = [[wordsDict objectForKey:selectedWord] floatValue];
//Find end time - this is a little messy for now
int currentIndex = 0;
int count = 0;
for (NSString* item in wordsKeys) {
if ([item isEqualToString: selectedWord]) {
currentIndex = count+1;
//Store found end time
endTime = [[wordsDict objectForKey:[wordsKeys objectAtIndex:currentIndex]] floatValue];
//Start Timer
NSTimer * myAudioTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.1
//Now play audio
[audioPlayer play];
//Stop at endTime
- (void) checkCurrentTime {
if(audioPlayer.playing && audioPlayer.currentTime >= endTime)
[audioPlayer stop];
The AVAudioPlayer
gives you some neat properties to work with:
: during playback you can rely on this property.
: starts playing from a pre-defined time.
But first of all I would write some helpers for that:
@interface Word {
double startTime;
double endTime;
@property double startTime;
@property double endTime;
This is just a class to simply working with the following method.
- (void)playWord:(Word *)aWord {
self.avPlayer.playAtTime = aWord.startTime;
[avPlayer prepareToPlay];
[avPlayer play];
while (avPlayer.playing) {
This while loop could be dangerous as it could go on for a long time.
But because we're just evaluating words, it won't be as much power draining
if(avPlayer.currentTime >= aWord.endTime;
[avPlayer stop];
I would suggest you to use an array or any other mechanism to automatically switch to the next word. Maybe your could also add a Previous and Next button for handling user input.
Please let me know if that worked for you.