We have a barrier call option of European type with strike price K>0
and a barrier value
0 < b< S0
where S_0
is the starting price.According to the contract, the times 0<t_1<...<t_k<T
the price must be checked S(t_k)>b
for every k
Assuming the S(t)
is described with the binomial option model with u=1.1
and d = 0.9
, and t_1=2,t_2=4
and t-3=7
the times that the asset must be checked.Also consider the S_0=100,K=125
and the barrier b=60
My attempt is the following :
# Initialise parameters
S0 = 100 # initial stock price
K = 125 # strike price
T = 10 # time to maturity in years
b = 60 # up-and-out barrier price/value
r = 0.05 # annual risk-free rate
N = 4 # number of time steps
u = 1.1 # up-factor in binomial models
d = 0.9 # ensure recombining tree
opttype = 'C' # Option Type 'C' or 'P'
def barrier_binomial(K,T,S0,b,r,N,u,d,opttype='C'):
#precompute values
dt = T/N
q = (1+r - d)/(u-d)
disc = np.exp(-r*dt)
# initialise asset prices at maturity
S = S0 * d**(np.arange(N,-1,-1)) * u**(np.arange(0,N+1,1))
# option payoff
if opttype == 'C':
C = np.maximum( S - K, 0 )
C = np.maximum( K - S, 0 )
# check terminal condition payoff
C[S >= b] = 0
# backward recursion through the tree
for i in np.arange(N-1,-1,-1):
S = S0 * d**(np.arange(i,-1,-1)) * u**(np.arange(0,i+1,1))
C[:i+1] = disc * ( q * C[1:i+2] + (1-q) * C[0:i+1] )
C = C[:-1]
C[S >= H] = 0
return C[0]
I receive nothing because something is wrong and I don’t know what
But is it a simulation ?
Any help from someone ?
In your loop you are using C[S >= H] = 0
, but your barrier param is defined as b
. Also you are filling the array C
with 0s only, so check the payoff condition. In general, I find it much easier looping through matrices when working with tree models.