inside of a build method:
return BlocBuilder<UserCubit, UserState>(
bloc: UserCubit("firstName", "lastName"),
builder: (BuildContext blocContext, UserState state) {
print(BlocProvider.of<UserCubit>(blocContext).user.fullName); // error here
BlocProvider.of() called with a context that does not contain a UserCubit.
which is obviously not the case...
the question is, how can I access the cubit in case of BlocBuilder/BlocConsumer
where bloc
attribute is not null.
Basically it is because the widget BlocBuilder
is not injecting the provided bloc
parameter in your BuildContext blocContext
The flutter_bloc documentation says that that BlocBuilder
is working like a StreamBuilder
, it is not injecting anything in your widget tree it will only "listen" to your provided UserCubit
in the bloc
property. And because UserCubit
is not injected in your widget tree you won't ever be able to access it by using BlocProvider
BlocBuilder handles building a widget in response to new states. BlocBuilder is analogous to StreamBuilder but has simplified API to reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed as well as bloc-specific performance improvements.
When you are using a BlocBuilder
you will need to rely on the state
value to access properties from your bloc or cubit and you will have to inject your bloc/cubit in the widget tree by using a parent BlocProvider
, here's an example:
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final userCubit = UserCubit("firstName", "lastName");
// Using BlocProvider to inject your UserCubit
return BlocProvider(
create: (_) => userCubit,
child: BlocBuilder<UserCubit, UserState>(
// Still using the instance of userCubit as the injected instance is not
// available in the widget tree at this point.
bloc: userCubit,
builder: (blocContext, state) {
// Now that you are in your builder with an up-to-date blocContext you can
// have access to your instance of UserCubit with BlocProvider.
return Text("State is $state");