I am using luxon for my app. I have some undefined date. I validate my date with luxon's isDateTime
and function returns string. I used this function multiple places of the app. Most of the places I am passing date string and only places I am getting undefined
date. I manage to silent the Typescript error but I think it's not optimal solution.
const {
} = require('luxon')
const ISO_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd";
const dateToStrings = (date: string | number | Date): DateTime =>
DateTime.fromISO(new Date(date).toISOString());
const dateToISOString = (date: Date | string | undefined): string => {
if (DateTime.isDateTime(date)) {
return dateToStrings(date).toFormat(ISO_DATE_FORMAT);
return date as string;
In this case dateToISOString(undefined)
, you simply tell typescript that undefined
is a string, which will later cause exceptions when the caller tries to access the string-value.
Instead you should handle the undefined
case explicitly and (dependent on your use-case) you may want to:
throw Error('undefined date!');
export const dateToISOString = (date: Date | string | undefined): string => {
if (!date) {
* handle the case when the caller passes undefined explicitly.
* Dependent on your use-case you may want to
* - return a default text: e.g. "", "-", etc.
* - or throw Error('undefined date!');
return '-';
} else if (typeof date === "string") {
// then check if the input is a string
return date;
} else {
* now typescript knows that the input is of type Date
* because you defined the input type as: Date | string | undefined
* and you have already handled the undefined and string cases
return dateToStrings(date).toFormat(ISO_DATE_FORMAT);