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Intelligent code-completion? Is there AI to write code by learning?

I am asking this question because I know there are a lot of well-read CS types on here who can give a clear answer.

I am wondering if such an AI exists (or is being researched/developed) that it writes programs by generating and compiling code all on it's own and then progresses by learning from former iterations. I am talking about working to make us, programmers, obsolete. I'm imagining something that learns what works and what doesn't in a programming languages by trial and error.

I know this sounds pie-in-the-sky so I'm asking to find out what's been done, if anything.

Of course even a human programmer needs inputs and specifications, so such an experiment has to have carefully defined parameters. Like if the AI was going to explore different timing functions, that aspect has to be clearly defined.

But with a sophisticated learning AI I'd be curious to see what it might generate.

I know there are a lot of human qualities computers can't replicate like our judgement, tastes and prejudices. But my imagination likes the idea of a program that spits out a web site after a day of thinking and lets me see what it came up with, and even still I would often expect it to be garbage; but maybe once a day I maybe give it feedback and help it learn.

Another avenue of this thought is it would be nice to give a high-level description like "menued website" or "image tools" and it generates code with enough depth that would be useful as a code completion module for me to then code in the details. But I suppose that could be envisioned as a non-intelligent static hierarchical code completion scheme.

How about it?


  • Such tools exist. They are the subject of a discipline called Genetic Programming. How you evaluate their success depends on the scope of their application.

    They have been extremely successful (orders of magnitude more efficient than humans) to design optimal programs for the management of industrial process, automated medical diagnosis, or integrated circuit design. Those processes are well constrained, with an explicit and immutable success measure, and a great amount of "universe knowledge", that is a large set of rules on what is a valid, working, program and what is not.

    They have been totally useless in trying to build mainstream programs, that require user interaction, because the main item a system that learns needs is an explicit "fitness function", or evaluation of the quality of the current solution it has come up with.

    Another domain that can be seen in dealing with "program learning" is Inductive Logic Programming, although it is more used to provide automatic demonstration or language / taxonomy learning.