My bot sends a embed into a specific channel, after that he should also add 2 reactions to his embed he sent. But i'm kinda stuck at that and searching through website wasn't successful.
if '!suggestion' in message.content:
if "salus insured" in [ for y in]:
channel = client.get_channel(938973763414921316)
embedVar = discord.Embed(title="User suggestion, vote below!", color=0x03b2f8)
embedVar.add_field(name="Suggestion", value="```"+substring+"```", inline=False)
embedVar.add_field(name="Suggested by", value="<@{}>".format(
embedVar.set_footer(text="Suggestion Poll | @Salus", icon_url="")
await channel.send(embed=embedVar)
await message.delete()
That's the last part of my code.
You should first retain the message object of the message the bot sends with...
msg = await channel.send("whatever")
You can then do things with that message object msg
as you would any other message.
So in your case:
There are several helpful hints for finding different emoji (e.g. custom emoji) in this question here