I send requests to a RESTful API. Also I have a PeeWee model to keep the responses. I check the validations with Marshmallow.
In the response body, there is a variable that is not certain data type(Integer or String). I want my PeeWee model have multiple validation.
Here is the example:
class Example(Schema):
availableLimit = fields.Str(
required=False, allow_none=True, validate=validate.Regexp(REGEX.NUMBER_LARGE)
In the API response, availableLimit
have exactly 2 possibilities: the string "UNLIMITED" or any Integer.
How can I validate it with the Marshmallow fields validation like validate=validate.Regexp(REGEX.NUMBER_LARGE && REGEX.UNLIMITED_STRING)
are my patterns.
I think you can import post_dump
from marshmallow
. You can then use post_dump
as a decorator method in your schema class.
from marshmallow import ValidationError, post_dump
class Example(Schema):
availableLimit = fields.Str(required=False, allow_none=True,validate=validate.Regexp(REGEX.NUMBER_LARGE))
def multiple_validation(self, value):
I hope this is clear