I want a button to toggle between two views on click. The code is:
<button @click="switchSheet">{{ currentSheet }}</button>
<component :is="sheetView" :key="componentKey" />
<script setup>
import DisplaySheetClassrooms from "./components/ds-classrooms.vue";
import DisplaySheetChromebooks from "./components/ds-chromebooks.vue";
let sheetView = DisplaySheetClassrooms;
let currentSheet = ref("HS Classrooms");
const switchSheet = () => {
if (sheetView == DisplaySheetClassrooms) {
sheetView = DisplaySheetChromebooks;
currentSheet.value = "HS Chromebooks";
} else {
sheetView = DisplaySheetClassrooms;
currentSheet.value = "HS Classrooms";
Documentation states
":is can contain either:
the name string of a registered component, OR the actual imported component object"
I am using the actual imported component but looking at Devtools switchView never changes value on click. I also tried it with string quotes and still no good. I tried solution here but it did not work for me. Could somebody clarify how to get this working . Thanks in advance.
This seems to work for me:
Use a components object and have the component name key (sheetView
in your case) used to target the key in the component :is
<button @click="switchSheet">{{ currentSheet }}</button>
<component :is="components[currentSheet]" :key="currentSheet" />
<script setup>
import DisplaySheetClassrooms from "./components/ds-classrooms.vue";
import DisplaySheetChromebooks from "./components/ds-chromebooks.vue";
let currentSheet = ref("DisplaySheetChromebooks");
// create an object key (doesn't need to be a ref)
const components = {
const switchSheet = () => {
if (currentSheet === "DisplaySheetClassrooms) {
currentSheet = "DisplaySheetChromebooks";
} else {
currentSheet = "DisplaySheetClassrooms";