I have a navigation bar which is dynamically populated with LinkButtons by an ASP repeaterControl.
I have no problem accessing, and setting properties for the clicked LinkButton. This I can do using the sender object from the fired LinkButton. Once a LinkButton is clicked, it is highlighted in bold.
My problem is to clear the bold property of the previously clicked linkButton when a new LinkButton ( another RepeaterItem within the same repeater) is clicked.
Any ideas on this, please? Many thanks!
ps. I cannot access the buttons through their ID, since they all have the same ID within the repeater.
I have unique arguments on each RepeaterItem (CommandArgument), but when I try to iterate through all linkbuttons, only static linkbuttons are found, none inside the repeater. See below:
Dim c As Control
For Each c In Form1.Controls
If TypeOf c Is LinkButton Then
MsgBox(DirectCast(c, LinkButton).CommandArgument)
End If
Next c
Try this:
For each item as RepeaterItem in YourRepeaterControl.Items
Dim button as LinkButton = item.FindControl("YourLinkButtonId")
If button IsNot Nothing Then
'Do whatever you want here
End If