I have to get a list of handles and labels from a figure, except in the cases where the label is "True" or "False". The following code accomplishes this:
# h, l = [a for a in ax.get_legend_handles_labels()] #redundant
h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
handles = [a for a, b in zip(h, l) if (b != 'True' and b != 'False')]
labels = [b for a, b in zip(h, l) if (b != 'True' and b != 'False')]
Nevertheless, this seems completely "not-pythonic". Is there a more elegant way to solve this?
I tried the following 2-liner but I got a ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
on line 2:
h, l = [a for a in ax.get_legend_handles_labels()]
handles, labels = [(a,b) for a, b in zip(h, l) if (b != 'True' and b != 'False')]
I'd expect Python to have a one-line solution...is there any?
For reproducibility:
(h,l)=(['handle1','handle2', 'handle3'],['label1','True', 'False'])
handles = [a for a, b in zip(h, l) if (b != 'True' and b != 'False')]
labels = [b for a, b in zip(h, l) if (b != 'True' and b != 'False')]
The intended output for this reproducible example is
You can use zip again:
h, l = [a for a in ax.get_legend_handles_labels()]
filtered_hl = [(a,b) for a, b in zip(h, l) if (b != 'True' and b != 'False')]
handles, labels = map(list, zip(*filtered_hl))