I just migrate my working app from react to nextjs. I followed the tutorial provided by next and installed next-i18next but I'm not being able to map
I got this kind of object
"skills": {
"title": "Skills",
"items": [
"title": "Javascript",
"additionalInfo": [
and i need to parse the translation into this component
{t("skills.items", { returnObjects: true }).map(
({ title, additionalInfo }, index) => (
<Fragment key={index}>
Any ideas on what i missed in the migration?
it may be t is not ready to be used in a first render...
If you're using the useTranslation hook, there should be a ready flag. => https://react.i18next.com/latest/usetranslation-hook#not-using-suspense
Or you can check for !!t("skills.items", { returnObjects: true })
before calling map