I am passing a ref var to a method, and within the method I have a local method I'd like to ref the var that I passed to the initial method. Example below
private void SomeMethod(ref var refdVar, var someThing)
//do something
//then call the method below
void LocalMethod(ref var refdVar)
refdVar = someThing;
Is this possible to do, if not, what are the options (I don't want to globally change the var, just because I find it cleaner by changing ref)?
I am not completely sure what you are trying to do but maybe a generic method could be what you are looking for : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/generics/generic-methods
private void SomeMethod<T>(ref T refdVar, T someThing)
//do something
//then call the method below
LocalMethod(ref refdVar);
void LocalMethod(ref T refdVar1)
refdVar1 = someThing;
int x = 3;
SomeMethod(ref x, 4);
double y = 5.0;
SomeMethod(ref y, 7.0);
Also note that the parameter refdVar is in scope inside the local parameter, so you should give that parameter a different name to avoid a compiler warning.