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How can I create a self update codepipeline?

I am using codepipeline as CI/CD pipeline by using CDK.

I'd like to make the pipeline update by itself so I tried to create one stage in the pipeline to update the pipeline itself by running cdk deploy command.

In order to make the self update work, I need to specify a parameter selfMutation in codepipeline construct:

but this property only exists in cdk v2 not v1 ( I am using cdk 1.84.0 ). What is the equivalent property in v1?


  • The CDK pipelines package also exists in v1.

    CDK Pipelines are different from aws-codepipeline.Pipeline. It's build on top of it and allows you to deploy CDK apps with CodePipeline.

    More information about CDK pipelines and what they are:

    Documentation for CDK pipelines in CDKv1: