I am trying to retrieve information from a twin device of a third party IoT Hub instance.
The data I'm trying to access has the next format:
"properties": {
"reported": {
"softwareLoad": {
"0": {
"systemSWVer": "1.2.0",
"picSWVer": "0.0.42",
"bootStatus": "inactive",
"partitionId": 0
"1": {
"systemSWVer": "1.2.0",
"picSWVer": "0.0.42",
"bootStatus": "active",
"partitionId": 1
"beamTableCRC": "0x5454"
I was trying to reach the variable systemSWVer to use it as a where clause, but each time I try to access I had an error retrieving the information in 0
and IoT Hub returns an error of a Bad Request.
I tried with this query
SELECT properties.reported.softwareLoad FROM devices WHERE properties.reported.softwareLoad.0.systemSWVer in ["1.2.0", "2.1.0"]
Is there a way to use it as a where clause in my query?
Note: I don't have access to the resource to change the format of the information.
I tried to recreate this case and found the same result. Always an error when you add a number in the expression. I also found a workaround; instead of using 0
or 1
, you can add them as an escaped Unicode character. It's important to add them as an ASCII Unicode character, though. 0
becomes \u0030
and 1
becomes \u0031
Try this query:
SELECT properties.reported.softwareLoad FROM devices
WHERE properties.reported.softwareLoad.\u0030.systemSWVer in ['1.2.0', '2.1.0']
Please note: in any case, you need to use single quotes.
Edit: in my excitement, I forgot to test if just escaping the integer would also work. It does.
SELECT properties.reported.softwareLoad FROM devices
WHERE properties.reported.softwareLoad.\0.systemSWVer in ['1.2.0', '2.1.0']