If the following content is given in a text file,
Registered : [10-01-21] Left : [12-02-21]
Approved : [03-03-21] Name : Ann
Ann submitted documents. Ann checked [12-04-21]
I need to get the output as :
Registered : [10-01-21]
Left : [12-02-21]
Approved : [03-03-21]
checked [12-04-21]
As the substring, we can give a regex to validate the date format.
import re
f1= open("Text1.txt")
found_p1=re.findall(r"(.*)\[[0-9]{2}[-][0-9][2][-][0-9]{2}\](.*)" ,string)
k=[ ]
for i in found_p1:
i=re.sub(r"|',|'(|)", "", str(i))
try this:
import re
f = open("Text1.txt")
string = f.read()
pattern = re.compile("(\w+\s\[\d{2}[-]\d{2}[-]\d{2}\]|\w+\s[:][\s]\[\d{2}[-]\d{2}[-]\d{2}\])")
m = pattern.findall(string)
for i in m: