On the Google Cloud monitoring mosaic, we have a card that shows logs. It's able to pre-filter on several fiels, for example the severity
field screens logs below warning level as shown below. Is there a similar way filter on text? For example, I want the dashbaord to show only logs that match the text string "foobar". I've tried adding textPayload="foobar"
to the Query Editor to no avail. Is this possible?
Based on Sample queries using the Logs Explorer Docs.
Container error logs for a specific pod containing a POST in the textPayload
resource.type="k8s_container" AND
resource.labels.pod_name="POD_NAME" AND
textPayload:"POST" AND
You can also check the dropdown of error logs to see the code and copy the line to Query Editor for more filter options
You can check also Logging Query Language for reference