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What return this function in typescript?

When I hover on the keyword 'function' the description says:

"(local function)(this: any, next: (err?: mongoose.CallbackError | undefined) => void): Promise<void>"

So does It return a Promise<void> or a simple <void>? I can't even understand what does this function returns? And to be honest I don't understand really well the concept of Promise<void>...

userSchema.pre('save', async function (next) {

    let user = this as UserDocument;
        return next();

    const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(config.get<number>('saltWorkFactor'));
    const hash = await bcrypt.hash(user.password, salt);

    user.password = hash;
    return next();



  • This question is really interesting. Your function returns a Promise<void>, which is compatible with the void return type that pre is expecting, but Mongoose is quietly smart enough to know what to do with your Promise so you don't even have to call next at all.

    First some background:

    • void has a special meaning in TypeScript to mean that the return value could be any value; the value is frequently undefined (because that's what a function returns without a return statement) but it doesn't have to be. As in the TypeScript FAQ, this makes it convenient to accept or pass functions that return a value by indicating the return value is unused. If you need to supply a function with return type void, you could pass back a function that returns a string, Promise<void>, Promise<SomeObject>, null, undefined, or anything else.
    • All async functions return Promises, and this is no exception. A Promise<number> is a Promise that says that its then function will receive a number; a Promise<void> is a Promise that doesn't tell you anything about what its then function receives. The then function will still be called, unless it has an error to catch; you just don't know much about its argument.
    • In Mongoose's types, pre takes a PreSaveMiddlewareFunction<T> function, which is the type of the function you wrote. It accepts a function called next and returns void: Mongoose claims not to care what you return. Your middleware function is allowed to be asynchronous; when you're done you're expected to call next (with an error object, if you have one), and that call to next also returns void.

    Your function passed to pre returns type Promise<void>: The function is async so it absolutely returns a promise, and your return next(); means that the Promise resolves to whatever next returns, which is defined as void. You don't know what next returns and shouldn't care about it. You don't even need to return next(), you just need to call it: It's just a callback so you can tell Mongoose your middleware is done and report any errors.

    So your async function returns Promise<void>, but that works with the definition of pre: pre doesn't care what kind of return value your function has (void) as long as you call next to indicate you're done.

    But wait! Reporting that your asynchronous function is done and whether or not there were errors is exactly the problem that Promises were designed to solve, and the next callback pattern is exactly the kind of pattern that Promises were designed to replace. If you're returning a Promise, why would you need to call next at all when Mongoose can just watch the promise you return?

    In fact, in Mongoose 5.x or later, that's exactly what happens: If the function you pass into pre returns a Promise, then you can use that instead of calling next. You can still call next manually for compatibility's sake, but in your case you could delete return next() and everything would keep working. See the middleware docs:

    In mongoose 5.x, instead of calling next() manually, you can use a function that returns a promise. In particular, you can use async/await.

    schema.pre('save', function() {
      return doStuff().
        then(() => doMoreStuff());
    // Or, in Node.js >= 7.6.0:
    schema.pre('save', async function() {
      await doStuff();
      await doMoreStuff();

    The docs further explain why return next() is a pattern at all:

    If you use next(), the next() call does not stop the rest of the code in your middleware function from executing. Use the early return pattern to prevent the rest of your middleware function from running when you call next().

    const schema = new Schema(..);
    schema.pre('save', function(next) {
      if (foo()) {
        console.log('calling next!');
        // `return next();` will make sure the rest of this function doesn't run
        /*return*/ next();
      // Unless you comment out the `return` above, 'after next' will print
      console.log('after next');

    In summary, the expected return type of void is compatible with the fact that you're returning a Promise<void>, but it hides the fact that recent versions of Mongoose are smart enough to check whether you're returning a Promise and do the right thing without needing a call to next. They're two different styles that both work.