I am trying to create a schema for my mongoDB
database in order to ensure data format in the Database.
I am using pymongo
to make sure this happens in my docker container when application starts, if the database is not initialized.
self.client = MongoClient(conn_string)
self.db = self.client[db_name]
# ...
# I am looping over in my json and 'stuff' is the collection name
# and json['stuff'] is the schema, so:
# collection = 'stuff'
# schema = json[collection]
# ...
self.db.create_collection(collection, validator= { "validator": { "$jsonSchema": schema} })
The schema looks like that, and is loaded from a json
file. (and that work)
"stuff": {
"bsonType": "object",
"required": [ "sid", "name", "url" ],
"properties": {
"sid": {
"bsonType": "string",
"pattern": "^[a-z_]{3-20}$",
"description": "must be a string 3-20 lowercase chars and is required"
"name": {
"bsonType": "string",
"minLength": 2,
"maxLength": 30,
"description": "must be a string 2-30 chars and is required"
"url": {
// etc.
But I get this error:
pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: unknown operator: $jsonSchema, full error:
{'ok': 0.0, 'errmsg': 'unknown operator: $jsonSchema', 'code': 2, 'codeName': 'BadValue'}
So I found the answer, also thanks to @prasad_ comment: The problem was a syntax error here are the bad and good version side to side :
# Bad version :
self.db.create_collection(collection, validator= { "validator": { "$jsonSchema": schema} })
# Good version :
self.db.create_collection(collection, validator= { "$jsonSchema": schema})
So because the validator is passed as parameter, it shouldn't be named inside itself, only the $jsonSchema
I hope it helps some people, it is hard to find proper documentation about pymongo usage, so let me know.