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Use a Local Model file for Online Viewer

I would like to be able to use a local navisworks or revit file to be available when using an online viewer app on forge.

I have so far followed the tutorial here - that allows me to upload a file for viewing from the client side. I would like to remove the ability to upload from the client side and choose a local file to be viewed instead.

I would also like to know how to remove additional buckets / objects placed from the client side from the side menu (circled in the image)

Thank you in advance!


  • All our sample apps work like this (e.g.

    • all the client-side content (html, js, css) is in a specific folder (in case of nodejs samples it's called public)
    • all the rest is part of the server-side
    • all the Forge related functionality is exposed to the client-side through server-side endpoints

    When the page is opened then the browser fetches the client-side components (1) - i.e. html, css, js files
    When needed, the client-side code calls an endpoint on the server (2) which in turn reaches out to Forge (3) and passes back the result to the client
    The only client-side part that communicates directly with Forge is the Viewer (4)

    enter image description here

    If you want to remove some of the functionality presented to the user, you can just remove them from the client-side part (e.g. from the html file)

    In the server-side code, you can also combine multiple Forge calls: e.g. create a bucket, upload model file into it from the server, translate the model to SVF

    If there are operations you only want to do just once (e.g. delete a bucket), you can also use utilities like or use this Visual Studio Code Extension:

    If you want to add controls to the toolbar this should be of help:
    If you want to add something custom then you can use HTML/CSS/JS in your client-side code to implement those