Need a help!
This is my data from firebase
"Engineering" : ["EEE", "CSE", "EE"],
"Marketing" : [ "SEO", "Online Marketing", "Digital Marketing"],
I am using a nested dropdown to show these data to users, receiving data is something like this
Map<String, List<String>>
after selecting the dropdown, individual selection is something like this-
String _selectedCategory = "Engineering" ;
String _selectedSkill = "EEE" ;
at a time a user can select a category with a skill,
I want to create a dynamic map like this
"Selected Category 1" : ["Selected Skill 1 from Category 1", "Selected Skill 2 from Category 1", "Selected Skill 3 from Category 1"],
"Selected Category 2" : [ "Selected Skill 1 from Category 2", "Selected Skill 2 from Category 2", "Selected Skill 3 from Category 2"],
I tried to achieve this-
List<String> addedSkills = [];
Map<String, List<String>> addedData = {};
inside dropdown
addedData.addAll({_selectedCategory: _addedSkills})
data is showing like this
"Selected Category 1" : ["Selected Skill 1 from Category 1", "Selected Skill 2 from
Category 2", "Selected Skill 3 from Category 2"],
but I want data something like this
"Selected Category 1" : ["Selected Skill 1 from Category 1", "Selected Skill 2 from Category 1", "Selected Skill 3 from Category 1"],
"Selected Category 2" : [ "Selected Skill 1 from Category 2", "Selected Skill 2 from Category 2", "Selected Skill 3 from Category 2"],
Your output indicates that your _selectedCategory
variable is not being upated before this line runs
addedData.addAll({_selectedCategory: _addedSkills})
on a map
will add any new key/value pairs and overwrite the value of any existing key. In your case, the value stored under the _selectedCategory
key is being overwritten.
You could test this by hard coding a new key
addedData.addAll({'test_category': _addedSkills})
Assuming your addedData
map already has at least one key value pair your data will look something like this
"Selected Category 1" : ["Selected Skill 1 from Category 1", "Selected Skill 2 from Category 1", "Selected Skill 3 from Category 1"],
"test_category" : ['selected skill'],
So your issue probably lies in the logic of updating the value of _selectedCategory
from what is selected in the dropdown menu. If you need help with that then I suggest sharing that code.