I'm trying to change an image every half second. I researched a little and found time.sleep doesnt working on kivy. So i need to use clock function but i didnt understand how should i use it. Can you help me ?
What i want for the program is to wait for half a second between photo changes
.py file
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen, ScreenManager
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import NoTransition
from kivy.properties import StringProperty
import time
class MainPage(Screen):
img_ico = StringProperty("./img/testico1.png")
def test(self):
for _ in range(0, 3): # Changes the image 3 times
self.ids.my_ico1.source = './img/testico2.png'
time.sleep(0.5) # What should i use instead of time.sleep ?
self.ids.my_ico1.source = './img/testico1.png'
time.sleep(0.5) # What should i use instead of time.sleep ?
class MyApp(App):
def build(self):
global sm
sm = ScreenManager(transition=NoTransition())
return sm
if __name__ == '__main__':
.kv file
text:"Test Button"
size_hint: 0.35,0.075
pos_hint: {"x": 0.1, "top": 0.9}
id: my_ico1
source: root.img_ico
size_hint_x: 0.04
allow_stretch: True
pos_hint: {"x": 0.2, "top": 0.7}
You can schedule a callback function either once or within some interval using Clock
One of different ways you can implement this here, is as follows,
First store all images at start,
Trigger a callback, say, update_image
from your test
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.images = ['./img/testico1.png', './img/testico2.png'] # Store all images here.
self.index = 0 # Set a index to iterate over.
def update_image(self, dt): # Callback function.
i = self.index%len(self.images) # You can set your desired condition here, stop the callback etc. Currently this will loop over self.images.
self.ids.my_ico1.source = self.images[i]
self.index += 1
def test(self):
Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_image, 0.5) # It will schedule the callback after every 0.5 sec.