I want to use assertRaises and check for the error message too. According to the docs I have to use it as a context manager.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError, msg='Invalid id format.'):
This results in the following error:
TypeError: assertRaises() missing 1 required positional argument: 'callableObj'
I get the exact same error if I use it without msg
Using it like assertRaises(exception, callable, *args, **kwds)
works fine, but that obviously can't process the error message.
I don't understand why Python can't recognise the use case I'm going for.
Python 3.7.10, MacOS Monterey 12.2
Two things - first of all, it's hard to tell what actually happens but there must be some other error in your code because
with self.assertRaises(ValueError, msg='Invalid id format.'):
should work perfectly fine (tested on Python 3.10)
2nd thing - msg argument does not do what you want it to do - self.assertRaises as a context manager with msg argument not working as expected
Link provided also explains how to check for error message with assertRaisesRegex