I'm new to Django and I'm trying to link Spotify to my webapp. I'm using Spotify to do it and it correctly access to Spotify.
To do it I have a button that opens the view below
def spotify_login(request):
sp_auth = SpotifyOAuth(client_id=str(os.getenv('SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID')),
redirect_url = sp_auth.get_authorize_url()
auth_token = sp_auth.get_access_token()
print("----- this is the AUTH_TOKEN url -------", auth_token)
return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
If I don't use auth_token = sp_auth.get_access_token()
everything works fine and I got redirected to the correct. Unfortunately, if I add that line of code to access the access token, instead of staying on the same page, it opens another tab on the browser with the Spotify auth_code and lets the original page load forever.
Is there a way to retrieve the access token in the background without making my view reload or open another tab in the browser?
The solution was to create a new view to access the URL
from .utils import is_user_already_auth_spotify, spotify_oauth2
def spotify_login(request):
if is_user_already_auth_spotify(request.user.username):
messages.error(request, "You have already linked your Spotify account")
return HttpResponseRedirect('account/' + str(request.user.username))
sp_auth = spotify_oauth2()
redirect_url = sp_auth.get_authorize_url()
return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
def spotify_callback(request):
full_path = request.get_full_path()
parsed_url = urlparse(full_path)
spotify_code = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)['code'][0]
sp_auth = spotify_oauth2()
token = sp_auth.get_access_token(spotify_code)
data = {
str(request.user.username): token
with open('spotify_auth.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f)
messages.success(request, "You have correctly linked your Spotify account")
return HttpResponseRedirect('account/' + str(request.user.username))
urlpatterns = [
path('account/<str:username>/', views.account_user, name="account"),
path('spotify_login', views.spotify_login, name="spotify_login"),
path('spotify_callback', views.spotify_callback, name="spotify_callback"),
import json
from spotipy import oauth2
import os
def is_user_already_auth_spotify(username):
my_loaded_dict = {}
with open('spotify_auth.json', 'r') as f:
my_loaded_dict = json.load(f)
# file vuoto
if str(username) in my_loaded_dict:
# controllare scadenza token ed in caso rinnovarlo
return True
return False
def spotify_oauth2():
sp_auth = oauth2.SpotifyOAuth(client_id=str(os.getenv('SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID')),
return sp_auth
The code also saves the token in a JSON and search for it if it has already been saved