I want to draw 3d segments, and the camera can rotate, so that I can observe the segments from various perspectives. I wonder if there is a way to draw them with CGAL? I know that CGAL is not specific for visualization, so the question itself may be some kind of silly. But it will be really helpful for me if it has this function, because I have some experience with CGAL.
I have tried to learn OpenGL, but it's not possible for me to master it in a short time. And I don't want to spend much time to learn OpenGL, because I will not use it again in future work.
If CGAL doesn't have this function, could you please recommend some lightweight open source libraries which can draw 3d segments? I don't need a very feature-rich, but huge library. One easy to use and lightweight is best for me. Thanks a lot!
CGAL::Basic_viewer_qt allows to draw points, segments and faces in 2D/3D. You can define your own viewer inheriting from this class.
As suggested by Marc, have a look at the different draw_XXX.h files to see how this is achieved for several viewers in CGAL.