We operate artifactory and jenkins for CI process. Now we use standard username/password credentials for login to artifactory. Want to use token for login. I generated token in artifactory and add it to Jenkins. Part of code Jenkins pipeline:
// Build a Docker image
stage ('Build a Docker image') {
docker.withRegistry("https://${params.DOCKER_REGISTRY}", params.DOCKER_REGISTRY_CREDS) {
def img = docker.build("${docker_tag}:${build_version}", "--build-arg VERSION=${params.DOCKER_BUILD_VERSION} -f ${dockerfile} ." )
try {
docker_push_rmi(img, docker_tag, "${params.DOCKER_BUILD_VERSION}.latest")
docker_push_rmi(img, docker_tag, "latest")
} finally {
sh "docker rmi ${docker_tag}:${build_version}"
where DOCKER_REGISTRY_CREDS - username/password for artifactory login.
How I can convert it to token access?
Try using the token as a password and use the username of whoever created the token.