I'm fresh on solidity, when I use remix to test my contract, I want to transfer some eth from my account to the smart contract. I have tried this code, but it seems to transfer the eth from the contract but not my account.
function addStaker (uint _stakeAmount) public membership(master, msg.sender) returns(bool) {
if(!members[msg.sender].alreadyExist) {
Member memory newMember = Member(msg.sender, true);
members[msg.sender] = newMember;
bool sent = payable(address(this)).send(_stakeAmount);
require(sent, "invalid balance");
return true;
} else {
return false;
How could I transfer eth from my account to the smart contract?
A smart contract is not able to pull a contract-specified amount of ETH from an address. The amount needs to always be specified and signed by the sender.
The contract can only validate the sent amount:
function addStaker() public payable {
require(msg.value == 1 ether);
How to chose the amount depends on the wallet software you're using. In case of Remix, there's the "Value" input in the "Deploy & Run Transactions" tab, where you specify the amount of ETH sent with the transaction.