I'm using python to search for images and I can do that with one area but how can I adapt this code for multiple areas?
found_image = pyautogui.locateOnScreen(image)
if found_image !=None:
welcome to stack! PIL has a flag for regions literally called region. If you specify where you regions are top left x and y and bottom right x and y you can them loop through the regions with for region_name, region in regions.items():
and then do something if your image is found in any of the regions.
regions = {
"Top left": (top, left, bottom, right),
"Bottom left": (top, left, bottom, right),
"Top right": (top, left, bottom, right),
"Bottom right": (top, left, bottom, right)
for region_name, region in regions.items():
found_image = py.locateOnScreen(image, region=region)
if found_image != None:
print(f"Clicked found_image in {region_name} region.")
py.click(found_image )